
Soal toeic jawaban lengkap 200 soal
Soal toeic jawaban lengkap 200 soal

Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing better methods to Line practice their skill.

soal toeic jawaban lengkap 200 soal

Today, pick pocketing is the one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Reading Comprehension Passage 2 Throughout history, people have been the victim of pickpockets. Dalam bacaan dituliskan bahwa Moog mulai berkolaborasi dengan berbagai musisi dalam berbagai genre musik. The main idea of paragraph three is (A) the Moog’s collaboration in music field (B) the Moog in the movie soundtrack (C) the introduction of Minimoog (D) the collaboration of The Moog with music groups Jawab: (A) the Moog’s collaboration in music field Keyword: Moog began a collaboration Pembahasan: the Moog’s collaboration in music field. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses (A) collaboration between The Moog and other musicians (B) the description of compact and portable Mini Moog (C) the improvement of Moog Synthesizer (D) trend in the music industry about synthesizer Jawab: (C) the improvement of Moog Synthesizer Keyword: Moo Sythesizer was also prominently Pembahasan: Yang paling mungkin dibahas dalam paragraf selanjutnya adalah the improvement of Moog synthesizer. Karena dalam bacaan ke-18-19 dituliskan bahwa sebelumnya sudah diciptakan mesin synthesizer “which made it smaller and considerably cheaper than earlier machine”. According to the passage, all of the following are true about The Moog, EXCEPT (A) it was invented by Robert Moog (B) it was first introduced in 1964 (C) it initiated new technology which was smaller and cheaper than previous (D) it was the first synthesizer in the world Jawab: (D) it was the first synthesizer in the world Keyword: made it smaller and considerably than Pembahasan: it was the first synthesizer In the world.

soal toeic jawaban lengkap 200 soal

Jika dilihat dari bacaan pada paragraf 3, Moog memperkenalkan sebuah prototype Moog Synthesizer. The pronoun “it” paragraph 2 refers to (A) electronic synthesizer (B) a keyboard instrument (C) prototype of Moog Synthesizer (D) new semiconductor technology Jawab: (C) prototype of Moog Synthesizer Keyword: intoduced yhe prototype Pembahasan: Prototype of Moog Synthesizer. Dapat dilihat pada bacaan ‘particularly on early electronic music instrument called theremin.

Soal toeic jawaban lengkap 200 soal